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Review Paper #1

Teknologi pintar telah mengubah gaya hidup masyarakat dan ekonomi digital saat ini memerlukan mata uang digital. Karena digitalisasi sistem keuangan global yang pesat, mata uang digital bank sentral (CBDC) menjadi penting sebagai bentuk aset digital yang dapat memastikan stabilitas keuangan, sistem pembayaran yang lebih baik, dan peningkatan kebijakan moneter. Banyak negara sedang mempertimbangkan atau mengembangkan CBDC untuk menghadapi pesatnya penerbitan mata uang digital swasta. CBDC diperkirakan akan mengubah arsitektur sistem keuangan secara fundamental. 


Gross Domestic Product

Indonesia’s economic growth is increasing massively amidst the weak global economy and financial market turmoil putting heavy pressure. In Q1 2024, the economy grew 5,11% (year on year). The main contributor to its growth was strong demand aggregate and budget support as a shock absorber decreasing unemployment rate (Cabinet Secretariat of Republic Indonesia 2024). During the first quarter of 2024, the provincial group in Java Island still showed its spatial influence in the Indonesian economy by recording a role of 57.70 percent despite experiencing a slowdown in growth of 4.84 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023 (year on year) (BPS 2024). read more

Latest Economic Developments 2014:Q3

1. Contraction in government expenditure has had adverse impact on the economy
Indonesia posted slower economic growth rate in quarter II-2014. According to data released by BPS, Indonesia registered economic growth of 5.12% (y-o-y) in quarter II-2014, which is far lower than 5.76% (y-o-y) posted in the same period the previous year. Indonesian economic growth has shown a downward trend over the last several quarters, which has complicated government efforts to achieve economic growth target of 5.5% (y-o-y) in 2014. To that end, this will remain a formidable challenge for the new government. read more