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Latest Economic Developments 2013Q2

The Indonesia’s economy, which is measured by the amount of of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices registered growth from IDR 1,975.5 trillion in Q1 2012 to IDR 2,146.4 trillion in Q1 2013. Meanwhile, GDP at constant prices 2000 increased from Q1 2012 amounted for IDR 633.2 trillion to IDR 662.0 trillion in Q1 2013.


However, as predicted by GAMA LEI, the Indonesia’s economic growth in the Q1 2013 registered slight growth of just 6.02%, which was lower than 6.29% posted in the same period in 2012 and even lower than 6.1% in Q4 2012. This is the second time GAMA LEI has been able to predict precisely the signs of slower economic growth. On the contrary, predictions of the Indonesian government, pointed to signs of stonger economic growth. Moreover, Bank Indonesia had projected economic growth of 6.2% in the first quarter 2013 which was atrributable to strong investment and household consumption expenditure. Besides, GAMA LEI also succeeded to outperform predictions of the Asian Development Bank, which pointed to growth of 6.4 % of the Indonesian economy. The reality is that the Indonesia’s economy experienced lower growth in the Q1 2013 than predictions of economic analysts’experts, which is commensurate with results of GAMA LEI research that stressed the fact that the performance of the Indonesia’s economy in early 2013 would not be better than that posted in the previous year. read more

Latest Economic Developments 2013Q1

The impact of sluggish economic growth in US and Europe has begun to bear on Indonesia, as reflected in the decrease in exports. Despite the fact that Indonesia succeeded in registering economic growth of 6.23 % YoY in 2012, making one of best performing economy in Asia after China, which recorded economic growth of 7.8% (YoY). However the achievement is tempered by the fact that 2012 growth figure is in fact lower than the assumption of 6.5% which was used in making National Budget (APBN) for 2012. Moreover, economic growth rate for 2012, is even lower compared to economic growth registered in 2011, which able to reach 6.5% (YoY).  In 2012, the value of Indonesian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2000 constant prices was IDR 2,618.1 trillion, which was an increase of IDR 153.4 trillion from  IDR 2,464.7 trillion in 2011. read more

Latest Economic Developments 2012Q4

At the time this issue is written, the debt crisis in Europe continues to be crucially important, as has a lot of influence on the World economy. Economic growth in several countries which have for long become engines that kept the rest of the world humming, are today facing uncertainty. Amidst such global economic uncertainty, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted global economic growth of 3.3 % 2012, which is the lowest since 2009. However, IMF predicts a slight improvement in 2013 when the world economi will register 3.6 % in economic growth, which is lower than 3.8 % posted in 2011. read more