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Macroeconomic Dashboard’s Management

Developments in Monetary Indicators 2012Q4

A. Money in Circulation

Money in circulation, MI and M2 shows an upward trend reaching IDR 782 trillion and IDR 3,168 trillion in October 2012 respectively, higher than IDR 779 trillion and IDR 3,050 trillion in June 2012. This shows an increase of 0.3% and 3.8% from June to October 2012. In terms of year on year, MI and M2 in October 2012, constituted an increase of 17.6% and 18.3% from the values for October 2011. Nonetheless, compared with values for September 2012, the level of MI   showed a decrease of 1.7 %.     read more

Developments in Government Finances and Fiscal 2012:Q4

Developments in Government Finances

On 23 October 2012, the National Assembly appoved the State Budget (APBN) for 2013. Changes in assumptions used in drawing up the national budget for 2013 compared with those that underpinned the State Budget 2012-Revised are shown here under:

Considering the current economic conditions of the Indonesian economy and developments in the global economy, the assumptions above seem to be too optimistic. Given the high uncertainty that continues to cast a shadow above the global economy, and predictions are pointing to slower economic growth than initially projected, the assumption on Indonesian economic growth in 2013 is too high. read more